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LUV fest: Sporočila iz srca

V času trajanja festivala LUV fest ♥️ vam ob nakupu voščilnice podarimo BREZPLAČNO POŠILJANJE

LUV fest, festival Ljubezni, Umetnosti in Vandranja

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December Opening Hours

Decembrski odpiralni čas trgovine

Decembra bomo v popoldanskem času odprti dlje, da boste lahko v miru opravili svoje praznične nakupe.
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Here's why our Greeting cards are worth buying

Here's why our Greeting cards are worth buying

Elevate your greetings
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Start the trend, shop local: Ljubljana

Start the trend, shop local: Ljubljana

Supporting local business isn’t just good for our community, it’s good for the planet too! By sup...
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Easter Table Ideas

Easter Table Ideas

Easter is a perfect timing to gather your loved ones and spend some quality time with them. When ...
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Start a new Valentine’s Day tradition

Start a new Valentine’s Day tradition

Want to start a new Valentine’s Day tradition this year? What about writing some sweet little no...
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How to repurpose muslin swaddles?

How to repurpose muslin swaddles?

Use them as kitchen towels!
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Tiny gift ideas from our shop

Tiny gift ideas from our shop

Do you need some nice small gift ideas that cater to everyone’s taste?
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Wallpaper for Lili Halo Decoration x Canon

Tapete za Lili Halo Decoration x Canon

Z Instagram blogerko Lili Halo smo ustvarili unikatno in modno tapeto, s katero je polepšala otroško sobico v nordijskem slogu. 

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Yummy Apple Tart

Pečemo z zajčkom Otjo: jabolčna pita

Zajček Otja nam je spekel znamenito jabolčno pito s hrustljavo skorjico. Ker je bil odziv v Borovem gozdu tako dober, se je odločil, da bo ta preprost in okusen recept delil tudi s svojimi sledilci.

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Saira & Will Aspinall — Marnie's House

Saira in Will Aspinall—Hiša Marni

Simpatična angleža sta se pred dobrim letom preselila v Slovenijo. Staro kmetijo na Gorenjskem bosta preuredila v butični hotel. Preberite, kako je Hiša Marni povezana z zajčkom Otjo. 

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How to Decorate the Perfect Kids’ Room

Kako opremiti otroško sobo?

Nekaj priročnih nasvetov, s katerimi si lahko pomagate pri opremljanju udobnega in mehkega kotička za vašega malčka

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Festive Muffins

Praznični mafini

Naš prvi praznični recept, preprost in hiter!

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That's us!

To smo mi

Najraje smo skupaj, tako smo neustavljivi.

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Chocolate Date Truffles

Chocolate Date Truffles

A simple treat that’s simply delicious.

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Make-Ahead Strawberry Yoghurt Parfait

Make-Ahead Strawberry Yoghurt Parfait

A simple and light breakfast idea
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When Otja met Otja

When Otja met Otja

If you’ve been following us for a while, then you’ve probably heard about a beautiful little girl called Otja, who got her name after our very own rabbit from the Pine Forest.
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Agata and her Bunch of Boys

Agata and her Bunch of Boys

One day while cruising through Instagram we stumbled upon a great-looking profile called Bunch of Boys and it’s creator Agata Kmuk. Her aesthetically pleasing style won us over immediately—and we’ve been in love ever since. Agata is a self-confessed coffee and chocolate fanatic, who has a talent for sewing (she says she’s learned it all from YouTube). She’s originally from Poland and has relocated to Cork, Ireland, where she now spends most of her time with—you guessed it—a bunch of boys.
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