Finding creativity with Tamara

Have you ever wondered how Little Otja fans live and what kind of home decor tips they might have? Look no further: we’re introducing the #mylittleotja series, where we’re going to be spending some time with interesting individuals, who just happen to enjoy the company of our bunny rabbit. We’re going to ask them a thing or two about creating the home of their dreams.
When looking at Tamara’s Instagram profile, one can’t help but fall in love with her depictions of delicious dishes and lovely locations. Besides being an avid Instagrammer, Tamara is also an aspiring blogger. She had only recently started writing her lifestyle blog and it’s already filled with great recipes, engaging interviews and interesting articles. We talked to the mommy of one about style, inspiration, shopping, motherhood ... and food for all the senses.
I studied linguistics and have always had a passion for organizing events, making pretty things and preparing good food. All these things really expressed themselves during the planning of my wedding and led me to my current employer — Jezeršek Catering. I now work with them in sales and event management, and it’s a truly satisfying job. I became a mommy last year to a little rascal called Oto Aldo. I finally started writing my own blog during parental leave.
I look to interesting people for inspiration, in both my work and life in general. Warm-hearted, open, creative, dedicated — the ones that can teach me something, regardless of their area of expertise. My inspiration also comes from everyday things: a good recipe I find on a blog, a fresh bouquet of flowers, a pattern of tiles on a building and an old gate of an abandoned house, a good book. Right now, the main source of my motivation is my family.
I would describe my style as a mix of Scandinavian minimalism and modern functionality. I don’t like clutter, but I think a home should still have some pieces that give it some soul and a touch of homeliness. Like a nice and comfortable armchair, a soft rug or some pictures on the wall. Or a wall that has been painted dark ... or an interesting wallpaper. I like toned-down, pastel colours; I combine them with lots of white and dark grey. And wood — the warmth of wood makes a strong impression. So to sum up, I have lots of ideas for decorating; now I just need a nice new apartment. ☺
I like discovering new things the most when I travel; I can block out all distractions and just let my mind wander. That’s when I notice so many details that I otherwise wouldn’t. It currently looks like we’ll have to wait a bit before we can go exploring foreign lands, with the (COVID-19) situation being what it is. But I do find many new and beautiful things on Pinterest and Instagram, as cliché as that might sound. Both platforms are a treasure trove of ideas and inspiration, if only you know what to look for.
I now understand what they mean when they say “the moment a child is born, the mother is also born”. It’s actually true — you get to know yourself again, learn, stumble ... but mostly you grow with the baby. Time goes by differently now and I think it’s easier for me to say “no”. My days revolve around sleeping, eating and changing diapers; I try to squeeze in some time for myself, to rest, if I need to. Despite sleeping very little and some hard days, the time of parental leave has been the most beautiful period of my life.
I love the design of Scandinavian brands like Elodie Details, Done by Deer, Kid's Concept and Liewood. I like the Malih nog naokrog webshop, they have a whole range of natural toys. Sometimes I’ll pick up some wooden toys in Ristanc in Ljubljana. I also like to visit local lifestyle shops, where I can find nice products for kids, like GUD shop, Smile Concept Store, Babushka Boutique and Parada. Then there’s some local brands that I love following. Besides Little Otja, I have to mention two of them: Minimellows for their soft, hand-made baby swaddles and Vanja in lev, the makers of the most beautiful rainbow macramés for children’s rooms.
First and foremost — my biggest inspiration is my mom. I can always come to her, whether it’s for advice, a recipe or consolation. I’m also inspired by a couple of #instamoms. For example @caricasveta with her incredible knack for decor, @mamakuha with her easy recipes of kids, @dearkitchen with her green way of living, @barbiinmatic with useful advice about child development and @varuskaziva with creative ideas for children. But Instagram or not … I’m really inspired by all mothers. They navigate a sea of challenges every day, some even with two, three or more kids. And single mothers, they’re the real heroes. And mothers of children with special needs, my utmost respect goes to them. I think we can all inspire and help each other out when the need arises.
Sure, I don’t have as much time for myself as I used to, but I still manage to find some. That’s when I mostly cook, go for a walk or some coffee and write my blog. I even manage to get some reading done every now and then. I love going to the farmer’s market on Saturday mornings, visiting my parents and having brunch with my friends. I always enjoy a fresh bouquet of flowers and the thought of my next trip. My husband and I both love travelling and we hope to pass some of our enthusiasm onto Oto.
I cook whatever inspires me. Mostly, I see some delicious looking dish and I then want to make it myself. I really love putting in an effort when it comes to food. I’m convinced that we eat with all of our senses. I have a real difficult time trying to put something together quickly and even a regular breakfast takes me at least half an hour. Lately, our kitchen has been filled with the smell of freshly-baked bread. I had never thought I would be making my own bread — and with sourdough! ☺
The idea of starting my own blog had been lingering in my mind for the past 5 years. During this time, I was coming up with various obstacles for myself — from not having enough time to being afraid of criticism and other things. All the while, many experiences came and went. They were all worthy of writing down — not just for an audience, but for me as well, to serve as a memory. When I started my parental leave I decided this will be the year I finally start writing the blog. And I did it. First I had to realize that it wasn’t a final product, but rather something that will grow and expand with me. It’s a platform where I can create whatever I like, release my creative energy and keep beautiful experiences, recipes, and more.
It’s primarily a lifestyle blog, I write about everything that’s currently going on with me: travelling, restaurants and recipes, lifestyle, and some mommy stuff too.
Little Otja is one of my favourite local children’s brands. It can easily hold its own against bigger and more established brands. There’s something special about the combination of cute animals and images of the forest, as well as the natural materials and pastel colours. The prints are so nice that I’d gladly put them up in any room of the apartment, not just the kids’ room. The living room has Otja the rabbit and Lorem the bear in it, and they perfectly complement our gallery of wall art above the couch. Besides the designs, I appreciate the extraordinary attention to detail. Everything has a common theme, every aspect of the packaging is well thought out. That’s something I really appreciate when it comes to design. Once Oto gets his own room, I’m sure he’ll be in the company of a bunch of friends from Little Otja.
Tamara is on Instagram as @tamarabuh and she writes a lovey blog Na tapeti.